Hyein Kwon

Artist Kwon Hye-in pays attention to messages contained in myths and period stories in historical relics and historical sources.
In it, we discover prosperity, hope, and energy in the original attitude of human life, find questions and answers about our common lives, and project them into today's stories.
It expresses hope and exploration for a better life with narrative elements that inspire imagination by borrowing images of relics.

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Email hyeinkwon224@naver.com
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백자 귀선 주자 白瓷 龜船 注子

White Porcelain Turtle Ship kettle

인간의 사후세계에 대한 다양한 신화 속에서 등장하는 삼도천(三途川, Sanzu River)을 건너는 배를 우리 역사 속 철갑전선(鐵甲戰船)인 거북선(龜船)로 형상화한 상형주자

It is a hieroglyphic ceramic kettle depicting a ship crossing the river of death as a turtle ship, an ironclad front in Korean history

370×160×260(mm), 2022
Ceramic, silver-coated ceramic  

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